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Initiated child welfare events, encouraging cross systems collaboration and coordinated services.  


Connected, educated, inspired and represented 3,000+ foster youth in their transition from foster care to independent living through town hall meetings with house of Representatives and Senators and 30+  facilitated workshops on 16 topics at nationally and state held child welfare conferences, scaling the national peer support network for foster youth in America.  

Received intensive leadership, public speaking, presentation, advocacy, and professional development training. 

Assisted in planning and facilitating independent living teen conferences, foster care and child welfare events and other national held conferences held throughout the country. 

Participated in the Foster Youth Success Initiative Summer Institute and provided training to Pierce Colleges students and staff in a facilitated led workshop on Strategic Sharing and Youth-Adult Partnerships, to empower youth to share there story and to train staff to support foster youth.  

Encouraged cross systems collaboration, building a cohesive network, and strengthen coordinated services. 

Connected and represented foster youth across America; created a peer support network for youth in foster care. 

Led two fundraising projects—a local fundraising campaign and a national auction fundraising event. 

Contributed in town hall meeting with Representative Suzanne Bonamici.   

Accepted as 2017 Level II All Star Intern. 

The 2016 Summer Highlight video tells FosterClub’s story through the summer months. Rather than taking a break.. All-Stars went to work and got BUSY. 


The numbers are impressive. (These are just a few) 

·      Well over 3,000 youth trained 

·      Even more involved in Public Engagement 

·      Over 170,000 Facebook users reached 

·      28 eNewsletters reaching up to 65,994 people per email 

·      Thousands of connections 

All Star Intern 

June 2016 - September 2016  

Seaside, Oregon 

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