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Created, organized, and led four college tours and one on one mentoring sessions with 40 foster youth between the ages of 13-17 in New York State, in collaboration with Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the organization Youth In Progress, and sponsored by the Intercultural Affairs Department. 

Coordinated facilitated workshops by eight departments on campus, educating youth on financial aid, scholarships, and opportunities available for foster youth and the opportunities college offers. 

Enabled youths understanding of college opportunities and the financial assistance provided for foster youth in New York State, resulting in 95% of attendees to want to college opportunities after college.  

Removing artificial limits that college and success as a foster youth in not a possibility.  

Encouraging and educating foster youth on how  to maximize their foster care experience.  

Resulted in three publications and state recognition.  

Developing a state and national model for colleges and universities to replicate for foster youth in their communities to establish a national and state standard for foster youth access to college.  

December 2016 – May 2017 

Geneva, New York

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

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